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The Script

The Development of The Script

The Story:

The story developed from the single idea of imagination. We became fixated on the idea of making this type of film very early on, we wanted to be different compared to our peers. We had so many ideas, we watched numerous films which influenced our movie. These being films like 'Ramona and Beezus' and 'Bridge To Terabithia'. These two wonderful movies are mentioned in almost every post within our blog. They really helped us build ideas for our project. We became very adventures with the ideas of our imagination and how vast a child's imagination really is. We thought having a voice over for the beginning of the sequence would really open up the characters to our audience. You can hear the siblings together, how they interact. It is a simple yet effective way of introduction. 

The Script:

Here is our orignal script, this was written by me (Amy) with a little input from Tilly for the voice over at the beginning. Although it is short, it took me a few days to write as I kept putting it down and getting stumped for thoughts.
In our actual film opening, the script is not exactly the same to what is written. We liked to give the children some freedom with some ad-lib it really allows them to make the characters fully relatable.
We tried to keep the amount of lines to a minimum, so they could act as natural as possible without having to think too hard about what they were saying. We wanted to make it more about the children rather than what they we're saying. The demographic of our film is children so it is important not to confuse them too much with lots of speech.

We had to write another script after this however as the first script didn't quite fit with the visuals. It is as follows:

Older Amelia: (narrating) 'Hello there! My name's Amelia and I'm going to be telling you a story today! I'm gunna try and do my best not to bore you! Hahaha... ok I'll start the story now. It's often said that a child's imagination is the greatest gift known to man, or a least in my house that was said a lot. I'll admit it and say I used to disagree, I always thought being an adult was the best part of life's journey, but you could say my viewpoint's changed a lot since then. I've always been logical than my brother, more rational than rash, but he eventually convinced me to enjoy my youth while I still had it, even though we still argued 24/7. If I could pinpoint the exact time that my outlook on life changed so drastically, I'd have to say it all started when my brother convinced me to go to the park before school one day...'


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