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Focus Group

Focus Group Members

We asked our focus group a series of questions regarding family films to try to determine what the target audience's general opinion of them is.

Person 1 - 
Caitlin Smith

Age: 17

Tell me a bit about yourself! What are your interests/hobbies?
'I love musical theatre and reading.. uhh, oh! I love playing ukulele and playing video games on my XBOX too.'

Do you watch films? How regularly?
'Yeah I watch films, and I kinda go to the cinema when every there's something I want to watch on, so... every month or so?'

What kind of films do you like to watch?
'Mostly sci-fi and fantasy stuff, like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings.'

What's your favourite film? Why?
'The Addams Family! Its one of those endearing quirky films that makes you wanna watch it over and over again, y'know? Plus the characters are really interesting.'

Who's your favourite character from that film? Who's your least favourite character? Why?
'My favourite? Gomez, cos' he's funny and... passionate I guess? He's dedicated to Morticia and I like how their relationship is strange but healthy and stable. As for my least favourite... I'd have to say Fester. He's just really annoying and the character is kinda forced and irritating, sorry.'

What's your favourite genre of film? What's your least favourite genre of film? Why?
'Uh... fantasy. I love the emersion of it and how they let you escape out of reality for a bit. I don't like romantic comedies; they always seem childish and I just don't find them funny or entertaining.'

Who is your favourite actor? Why?
'My favourite actor ever would be... Audrey Hepburn I think. I admire her elegance and poise and she was just so talented. I want to be an actress myself, so I really look up to her.'

Animation or live-action?
'Live-action. No contest.'

Thinking about you personally, what makes you want to go see a film?
'Well, generally I'll go see what films interest me judging by the trailers, or if its a sequel to a film I already liked or saw. Oh, and I'll always go see Disney films if I can.'

When you think about family films, what comes to mind?
'Animation and animated films, lots of colour, err... children?'

What's your opinion on current family films such as 'Moana', 'Smurfs: The Lost Village', 'The Boss Baby', 'The LEGO Batman Movie', 'Beauty and The Beast', 'Power Rangers', etc?
Why do you feel this way?
'Disney films like Moana will always be my favourite kind of films because they have a nostalgic sense to them, but things like Boss Baby just seem pointless and unnecessary really.'

What do you think is the biggest problem with this genre?
'Most of the humour is basic slapstick stuff that just doesn't appeal to me, it's immature and stupid, sorry, but it is. But, actually wait, the biggest problem is that's there's no balance to family films so that everyone can enjoy them, its nearly always just childish stuff. I'd prefer it if it tried to appeal to everyone so it's not lost on anyone.'

Do you think there should be more child actors in children's films?
'Yeah, definitely. Casting people who are age accurate is super important.'

Should casting be age accurate and why? (e.g. a 16 year old character should be played by a 16 year old).
'If the cast of shows like..., I don't know... Liv and Maddie on Disney Channel, aren't age accurate, it creates unrealistic expectations for kids on what they should look like, and that's just wrong. Children shouldn't be worrying about how they look because the girl on TV is more developed than them because she's thirty.'

What sub-genres do you think go best with family films?
'Uh... I'm not sure... I want to say comedy but I don't like the comedy in children's films so, um, action maybe? In like a childish adventure kind of way that is.'

What kind of messages do you think family films should present?
'Messages that are heart-warming and teach children important morals, so they'll grow up knowing what's right and wrong, as they're impressionable at that age.

We're going to show you a clip from a recent film. (The opening to the 2007 film, Bridge to Terabithia)

Does it remind you of any other films?
'It reminds me of a kids version of the Lord of the Rings... like if the cast of Bugsy Malone decided to have a go at fantasy or slice of life or something.'

What demographic do you think this film is aimed at?
'Oh, children's family film obviously.'

What genres do you think this film adheres to?
'The drawings make it seem like there's going to be some sort of fantasy element, but it also seems like a sort of coming of age film because, i'm not sure, the aesthetic looks that way? I just get that feeling from it honestly.'

Would you want to watch more of the film? Why?
'Yeah, I'd watch more. The cinematography of the credits bit with the drawings made me feel super nostalgic, I used to doodle in my school books all the time.'

What makes it effective or ineffective in your opinion?
'The colours are bright and welcoming, they almost pull you in, and not much of the film's plot is given to you, so I'm intrigued to know more.'

How would you improve it?

'Make it shorter. I was getting bored at the end.'

Person 2 - Molly Akinsemoyin

Age: 17

Tell me a bit about yourself! What are your interests/hobbies?
'I like reading, dancing and, obviously, watching films.'

Do you watch films? How regularly?
'Yeah, I do. How regularly do I watch films? Basically every other day. I've got Netflix on my phone, so...'

What kind of films do you like to watch?
'Uhh.. action films mostly, but I like comedy and sci-fi too.'

What's your favourite film? Why?
'Arrival. I just saw it recently actually.'

Who's your favourite character from that film? Who's your least favourite character? Why?
'My favourite was Dr Louise Banks, because I love Amy Adams and I think she plays the role really well, but least favourite...probably Colonel Weber cos' he was just so irritating and annoying, I just really didn't like him, he wasn't likable at all.'

What's your favourite genre of film? What's your least favourite genre of film? Why?
'My favourite genre would be action, like I said earlier, but I really like sci-fi too, ugh its so hard to choose... action, sorry, its gotta be action, I just love them. For my least favourite, I'm super jumpy so I don't like horror movies at all; can't stand them, I don't like the music either its too creepy.'

Who is your favourite actor? Why?
'Probably Scarlett Johansson, she's in a lot of action films and I think she plays most of her roles really well.' 

Animation or live-action?
'Live-action, for sure.' 

Thinking about you personally, what makes you want to go see a film?
'The trailer. If it looks every the slightest bit boring, I probably won't watch it unless a friend really wants to.' 

When you think about family films, what comes to mind?
'Disney, mostly.' 

What's your opinion on current family films such as 'Moana', 'Smurfs: The Lost Village', 'The Boss Baby', 'The LEGO Batman Movie', 'Beauty and The Beast', 'Power Rangers', etc?
Why do you feel this way?
'Not gunna lie, only three of those films spike my interest. I'm not a huge fan of family films.' 

What do you think is the biggest problem with this genre?
'They don't always look good to everyone in a family, I mean a dad wouldn't really want to watch Moana, and ,like, the Smurfs seems really childish so it'll be harder for grown-ups to enjoy it.' 

Do you think there should be more child actors in children's films?
'It depends on the film. I mean if it's something like Smurfs, its voice acting so I guess its better? I'm not sure.' 

Should casting be age accurate and why? (e.g. a 16 year old character should be played by a 16 year old).
'As long as they look the right age, it doesn't really matter, it really depends on how well they do the job to be honest.' 

What sub-genres do you think go best with family films?
'Comedy, so the adults can have a laugh too.' 

What kind of messages do you think family films should present?

'Values, but I guess that's kind of hard to implement, you just kinda expect the film to show what and how children should be. After all, the media is what shapes young minds, so messages that are positive and make children good people are really important.'

Person 3 - Megan Mason

Age: 17

Tell me a bit about yourself! What are your interests/hobbies?
'Generally, I like anything to do with science and I've recently gotten into reading comic, like a proper geek.'

Do you watch films? How regularly?
'I watch films occasionally, but not often because I don't really have the time. I also have to be in the right mood to watch a film.'

What kind of films do you like to watch?
'Superhero films, definitely. I like DC and Marvel, but I feel like Marvel produces better films.'
What's your favourite film? Why?
'Oh no... That's a really hard question! Ugh... OK, if I had to pick one I'd would have to say Toy Story 2 because it reminds me of my childhood and its got a great mix of adult and kids' humour.'
Who's your favourite character from that film? Who's your least favourite character? Why?
'I loved Jessie when i was little, maybe because she's a redhead and she's super cool! My least favourite is Stinky Pete because he's pretty selfish and just downright mean.' 

What's your favourite genre of film? What's your least favourite genre of film? Why?
'My favourite genre of film is thriller. I love the suspense you feel when watching the film and how invested you can get in the characters. I also love reading crime novels, so its great when one of them gets made into a movie. My least favourite genre is horror i guess, probably because when I do watch those kind of films, I find the plot pretty silly and I can't really connect with the characters. I tend to stay away from this genre though, so there might be some good horror films.' 

Who is your favourite actor? Why?
'Ugh, this is really hard too! I love Tom Hanks; i always believe his character and I think he's very flexible in terms of his acting skills.' 

Animation or live-action?
'Live-action, don't get me wrong, I love animation, but I prefer to see characters brought to life by real people.' 

Thinking about you personally, what makes you want to go see a film?
'A good trailer, something that doesn't give too much away, will make me go see a film, but usually only if it's the kind of genre I'm into.' 

When you think about family films, what comes to mind?
'When I think of family films, I think of Disney!' 

What's your opinion on current family films such as 'Moana', 'Smurfs: The Lost Village', 'The Boss Baby', 'The LEGO Batman Movie', 'Beauty and The Beast', 'Power Rangers', etc?
Why do you feel this way?
'Errr... I've only been to see LEGO Batman, which was awesome, and Beauty and the Beast. LEGO Batman was great because like I said before with Toy Story, it has a great mix of adult and kids' humour. It's just a lighthearted and fun film, so I guess I'd say the same of the others...' 

What do you think is the biggest problem with this genre?
'I feel like I've already explained my opinion. The films haven't got themes that are too scary or serious for kids, and they're mostly bearable for adults. Some of the films might not appeal to older audiences which might put parents off taking their kids to see the film?' 

Do you think there should be more child actors in children's films?
'Not necessarily, if the person fits the role well. Look at Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield as Spiderman for example.  

Should casting be age accurate and why? (e.g. a 16 year old character should be played by a 16 year old).
'Isn't this the same as the previous question?' 

What sub-genres do you think go best with family films?
'Fantasy? Fantasy caters to a kid's imagination, plus who doesn't love unicorns and dragons?' 

What kind of messages do you think family films should present?
'Love, both platonic and romantic, conquers all!' 

We're going to show you a clip from a recent film.
Does it remind you of any other films?
'Off the top of my head I can't think of any other films it reminds me of.' 

What demographic do you think this film is aimed at?
'Older children and teens probably.' 

What genres do you think this film adheres to?
'Fantasy, maybe sci-fi? I'm not sure I can't really tell from the opening by itself.' 

Would you want to watch more of the film? Why?
'It seems more interesting because it doesn't give much away about the plot and it's also visually appealing, so yeah I'd probably watch more.' 

What makes it effective or ineffective in your opinion?
'I think its effective because of the stunning visuals; the animated drawings seem to represent a child's imagination and also the running sequence, where the boy is doing a lap around his house, is representation of a child's freedom. As I said before, it also doesn't give tonnes away so makes you want to know what the film is actually about.' 

How would you improve it?

'Maybe a little more variety in the shots? A lot of it is just watching the drawings come to life and its sort of boring. They could have include some landscape shots or tried a different kind of imagination.'

Person 4 - Matangi Ganeshalingam

Age: 17

Tell me a bit about yourself! What are your interests/hobbies?
'Music, TV Dramas and I like musicals.'

Do you watch films? How regularly?
'I don't know, about two or three times a month.'

What kind of films do you like to watch?
' Any as long as they're not horror.'

What's your favourite film? Why?
' At the moment, Moana because I just watched it and it's really good and I've got the songs stuck in my head.'

Who's your favourite character from that film? Who's your least favourite character? Why?
' My favourite character is Moana obviously because she's like the first Polynesian Disney Princess, it's kind of a big thing and it's really cool. My least favourite is, I don't know, Hei Hei because he's just so stupid.'

Who is your favourite actor? Why?

' I don't know, I've got two because of a film they were in together, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Just because they're amazing especially when they act together, it's just amazing.'

Animation or live-action?
' Both, they're just both amazing.'

Thinking about you personally, what makes you want to go see a film?
' Normally I'll just watch the trailer and if it looks really interesting like the plot line or anything then I'll go and see it.'

When you think about family films, what comes to mind?
' Families.'

What's your opinion on current family films such as 'Moana', 'Smurfs: The Lost Village', 'The Boss Baby', 'The LEGO Batman Movie', 'Beauty and The Beast', 'Power Rangers', etc?
Why do you feel this way?
' I think they're quite good but like there is a lot of them out now so.'

What do you think is the biggest problem with this genre?
' Well, some of them are becoming more and more, well the ratings are going higher so it's like a family film but they're still like 12A or whatever so you still have to be of a certain age, especially at the cinema.' 

Do you think there should be more child actors in children's films?
' That's a hard one because especially with child actors if they start too young, the fame could go to their heads and it could affect them in the long term but you then get some films where you get people who are supposed to be 13/14 but a 20 year old is playing them. And it's a bit unrealistic.

Should casting be age accurate and why? (e.g. a 16 year old character should be played by a 16 year old).
' Again the same as before.'

What sub-genres do you think go best with family films?
' Comedy.'

What kind of messages do you think family films should present?
' I think they should be stuff that is sort of educational so stuff that, I know it's not a film but like the TV show Girl Meets World. Behind every episode, there was a lesson you could learn from it. It is fun but you can learn from it at the same time.'

We're going to show you a clip from a recent film.
Does it remind you of any other films?
' It reminds me of Journey to the Center of the Earth, that's probably because it has baby Josh Hutcherson in it.'

What demographic do you think this film is aimed at?
' Children who are beginning secondary school, around that age (11/12 ish).'

What genres do you think this film adheres to?
' Yes (agrees with Deana, Family).'

Would you want to watch more of the film? Why?
' From the opening, I would but from people's (Deana's) personal review, I would say no.'

What makes it effective or ineffective in your opinion?
' With the drawing, it didn't just show you the final product. It showed you the stages and you can watch it happen.'

How would you improve it?
' For an opening scene it was quite good, so there wasn't really much I would change.'

Person 5 - Deana Kent

Age: 17

Tell me a bit about yourself! What are your interests/hobbies?
'I read a lot and I like Netflix, the TV shows on there.'

Do you watch films? How regularly?
'Lots, probably about once or twice a week.'

What kind of films do you like to watch?
' Any as long as they're not horror.'

What's your favourite film? Why?
' At the moment it is Doctor Strange just because it's weird and it's just really cool.'

Who's your favourite character from that film? Who's your least favourite character? Why?
' My favourite is the bad guy just because he is really cool, my least favourite is probably the lady who teaches, she is played by Tilda Swinton, I can't remember her name.'

Who is your favourite actor? Why?
' Andrew Scott because he is just really expressive and I really like his character in Sherlock.'

Animation or live-action?
' Live-action (Tilly mentions Roger Rabbit). Both! Both! I love that film.'

Thinking about you personally, what makes you want to go see a film?
' Either if it has got an actor in it that I like or if the story and the trailer looks interesting.'

When you think about family films, what comes to mind?
' Hopefully just nice and not kind of soul crushing like Bridge to Terebithia, just nice and kid friendly.'

What's your opinion on current family films such as 'Moana', 'Smurfs: The Lost Village', 'The Boss Baby', 'The LEGO Batman Movie', 'Beauty and The Beast', 'Power Rangers', etc?
Why do you feel this way?
' I haven't seen any of those films but the first LEGO Movie, I thought that was good because it was like more funny and t was good fun for the kids to watch.'

What do you think is the biggest problem with this genre?
' There's not a lot of films for like tiny, tiny children to watch.'

Do you think there should be more child actors in children's films?
' I think the same (as Matangi) but they should have more child actors in animated films so they can get the voice right instead of having a teenager trying to act with children's voices.

Should casting be age accurate and why? (e.g. a 16 year old character should be played by a 16 year old).
' Same as before, it depends.'

What sub-genres do you think go best with family films?
' Comedy. Or animal films.'  

What kind of messages do you think family films should present?
' Yeah, like Matangi said (educational) and also self confidence, like having empowerment, like in Moana she becomes the chief (of the island). I think that's a good thing to have in more and more kids films.'

We're going to show you a clip from a recent film.
Does it remind you of any other films?
' It doesn't really remind me of any other films I've seen, it's quite unique. I don't watch a lot of kids films so I don't know if I'm just missing something but it's good, I like it.'

What demographic do you think this film is aimed at?
' Maybe around the age of the characters so they can relate to him.'

What genres do you think this film adheres to?
' Family and like Childhood, it's creative.'

Would you want to watch more of the film? Why?
' No, never again. There is like child murder and you can't have that, then he's sobbing and there is like a death in the community and everyone is just like dying but it's not it's just her. She is no longer there and she was his only friend.' 

What makes it effective or ineffective in your opinion?
' The way they had the pencil kind of go in and out of the actual narrative was really effective. I liked that.'

How would you improve it?

' I don't know, maybe, I don't l know. I thought it was pretty good'


Tell me a bit about yourself! What are your interests/hobbies?

Do you watch films? How regularly?

What kind of films do you like to watch?
What's your favourite film? Why?
Who's your favourite character from that film? Who's your least favourite character? Why?
What's your favourite genre of film? What's your least favourite genre of film? Why?
Who is your favourite actor? Why?
Animation or live-action?
Thinking about you personally, what makes you want to go see a film?

When you think about family films, what comes to mind?

What's your opinion on current family films such as 'Moana', 'Smurfs: The Lost Village', 'The Boss Baby', 'The LEGO Batman Movie', 'Beauty and The Beast', 'Power Rangers', etc?
Why do you feel this way?
What do you think is the biggest problem with this genre?
Do you think there should be more child actors in children's films?
Should casting be age accurate and why? (e.g. a 16 year old character should be played by a 16 year old).
What sub-genres do you think go best with family films?
What kind of messages do you think family films should present?

We're going to show you a clip from a recent film:

Does it remind you of any other films?
What demographic do you think this film is aimed at?
What genres do you think this film adheres to?
Would you want to watch more of the film? Why?
What makes it effective or ineffective in your opinion?
How would you improve it?


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