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Evaluation 3 - Distribution

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

There are various production companies that produce and distribute the family film genre, but in particular Walden Media is notable for their contributions to the production and distribution of children's film.

Walden Media has assisted in the production of 'Ramona and Beezus', 'Bridge To Terabithia', 'Because of Winn-Dixie', 'Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium', 'Water Horse: Legend of The Deep' and various other live-action, heart-warming children's films from their foundation in 2001. The type of film they specialise in is almost a sub-genre of family film: live-action family films with child actors, often animals and homely-aesthetics. their most recent film being 'A Dog's Purpose', a film about the journey of a dog and reincarnation. This company would be best suited to our film as it follows many of the conventions of the existing films associated with Walden Media. Much like 'Bridge To Terabithia', Imagine presents the ideas of sibling relationships strengthening, creating new worlds for fun and the dangerous adventure of the outside world. As is the case in all of the pre-mentioned examples, the main characters are portrayed by child actors, the tone of the film is based on her relationships between the characters and the general feeling of the film seems warm and comforting, despite adversity. 

The information regarding the inner workings of production companies and the techniques of distributions is outlined in details on the previous 'Production' post. 

The budget for our film was relatively low cost. The only expenditures were for the purchasing of the costumes/material for the costumes, on set sustenance and transport to and from the set. The equipment needed to film was required and the crew volunteered their time so did not need pay. However, had the film had a larger budget, the financing could have come from sponsor, private donations, or television channels, such as Film4.

From the research conducted into the codes and conventions of children's films and media, it was found that credit titles were not often included in an opening sequence past the mention of then primary actors. As such, the film opening did not include any other title credits other than the actors's names and the film titles to adhere to the genre convention. 

Films released by television companies are often released as special events and are promoted on the channel itself. In particular, the most notable example of this, in relevance to the target demographic of the film opening, is the promotion and distribution of Disney Channel original movies. 

Image result for disney original movies promotionDisneyabcdomesticlogo2013.png

Disney Channel original movies are distributed by a subsidiary of the main Disney company, 'Disney - ABC Domestic Television', which has released films such as 'Cloud 9', 'How To Build A Better Boy' and 'Lemonade Mouth', alongside various other Disney Channel movies. Our film would be distributed in a similar way as a result of the funding input, content and target audience being near identical to the format in which Disney Channel original movies are produced, distributed and promoted. 

The main selling points of our film are that our uses the theme of imagination in a non-animated way, utilising real-life aspects to emphasise how the characters, and by extension children, see themselves, their imaginary friends and the worlds they create in their head. 

Online companies, an example being Netflix, would be interested in our product as research suggests that they already distribute films of a similar nature and have an existing audience of younger children, hence their child settings options and the 'Children and Family Movies' sub-section for easy genre viewing, which also sections off the available content into age ranges for more specific audiences. Netflix already hosts films such as 'Zapped' and 'Radio Rebel', two films that were originally produced as Disney Channel original movies. 


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