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Evaluation 6 - Technologies

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Technologies we used:

  • Panasonic Video Camera
  • Canon EOS1100
  • Tripod
  • Sony Vegas Pro 13
  • iMovie
  • Blogger
  • iPhone
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • YouTube
  • Google

Research and Planning:
When researching and planning our film the main two technologies we used were Google and YouTube. Google was used numerous times for looking up information about our influence films, looking up filming permits for filming in parks with the general public. We also used Google to look up any events that could have been happening on the day we wanted to film. YouTube was used to look at other people's work from previous years. This aided us when we had to work on peer marking other peoples work.

The main thing we used during blogging was blogger, we did have a few videos from things like the focus group however, due to technical difficulties we were unable to edit it and upload it to the blog. Blogger however was used every lesson as a platform to publish these posts. One of the big things we learnt was that two of us could not be writing in the same document at once otherwise all the work one person had done would be lost, this happened frequently until we figured out the issue.

When filming our opening, we used a Panasonic video camera and a tripod. We also used a Canon EOS1100 for all the still behind the scenes shots. One of our problems was preserving battery on the video camera, it ended up dying before we could completely finish but luckily we had enough to work with. The tripod was not used often this was due to the terrain where we were. We would have liked to use it however the surface on the floor was woodland, this included hills, stumps, twigs, leaves (etc.) so it was difficult to use effectively. I had previous knowledge of using the Canon so there wasn't really much to learn about with that piece of equipment other than that I had to shoot in sport mode (for moving objects/people) which I hadn't done before.

I started off using the editing program iMovie, this however is not one I am most familiar with so it became difficult for me to make something I liked. I decided to switch to a more advanced program which I use almost daily to edit videos called Sony Vegas Pro 13. This immediatley helped with the editing and made me feel much more at ease with what I was doing. The program gives you much more option in terms of editing, transitions (not that we used many) and effects. It also allowed me to customise text, the font, placement (etc.) this is something that I found myself unable to do within iMovie. Another technology used in post-prouction was Adobe Photoshop. This was used to create our production company logos. This is something slightly more sophisticated that the likes of GIMP or Photoscape and again was a program I had some familiarity with. Our iPhones were also a huge part of post production, we used them to record things for the blog like the focus group, it was much easier to use the iPhone that having to get a camera and a tripod out again. It made the focus group and quick and easy task.


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