1) You seem to have split this post into multiple posts. What you have written is very good 2) Excellent post on representation of middle class white children 3) Very thorough post on institutions 4) Good understanding of BBFC and the primary and secondary audience. No audience profile 5) You've described similar films but not what they did to attract an audience. Fine on addressing audience but didn't really deal with attracting 6) Good on tech 7) The generalised evaluation doesn't address the prelim but does chronicle in some detail the journey that the girls went on while producing their film Level 3 12–15 marks • Proficient skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation. • Proficient understanding of issues around audience, institution, technology, representation, forms and conventions in relation to production. • Proficient ability to refer to the choices made and outcomes. • Proficient understanding of their development from preliminary to...
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Technologies we used: Panasonic Video Camera Canon EOS1100 Tripod Sony Vegas Pro 13 iMovie Blogger iPhone Adobe Photoshop YouTube Google Research and Planning: When researching and planning our film the main two technologies we used were Google and YouTube. Google was used numerous times for looking up information about our influence films, looking up filming permits for filming in parks with the general public. We also used Google to look up any events that could have been happening on the day we wanted to film. YouTube was used to look at other people's work from previous years. This aided us when we had to work on peer marking other peoples work. Blogging: The main thing we used during blogging was blogger, we did have a few videos from things like the focus group however, due to technical difficulties we were unable to edit it and upload it to the blog. Blogger however wa...