Textual Analysis of a Film Opening: Bridge To Terabithia Bridge to Terabithia tells the story of Jesse Aarons (Josh Hutcherson) and Leslie Burke (Anna-Sophia Robb) and their vivid imaginations, creativity and their growing friendship as they face evils in their everyday lives, such as facing a bully or Jesse's strained relationship with his Dad. The film uses special effects and drawn animation to create a whimsical world that draws audiences in and keeps them invested. 1) Conventions The opening of 'Bridge to Terabithia', firstly, adheres to general film conventions by including the logo animations for two production companies involved with the development at the beginning of the opening, these being Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media. The clip starts with an opening establishing shot of what we presume is our main character's house, outside of which is a truck and a small green house. From this visual information, and the size and architectural st...